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​Feng Shui
Feng Shui explanation and Appraisal example

Feng Shui

​Feng Shui

Feng Shui Analysis using the blueprint $110 for a Studio apartment, $120 for 2-3 Bedrooms, $140 for 4+ bedrooms and an office/store

Chi analysis using the blueprint, advice on the furniture layout (Flying Star Method)



Feng Shui explanation and Appraisal example

Feng Shui Visit

​Feng Shui

Check the outside and inside of your home by three different Feng Shui methods.  Available if less than 90 minutes one way from our office. Please contact us if you live far or in Japan.  Geo-pathic Stress analysis is included.  To decide the date to place your Feng Shui items in your home, additional $80




開運の家さがし*    DRE#01951422 


ご契約物件の風水図面鑑定は、無料で承っております。                          予約する

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Moving Feng Shui explanation

Moving Feng Shui

​Feng Shui

We will look into up to 8 houses you are considering to move into.  Additional $20/house if more than 9.  We will perform Feng Shui on the home you move into for free.  For a Feng Shui master’s visit, additional $240.



Four Pillar explanation and appraisal example

Four Pillars of  Destiny


Four Pillars of  Destiny (Entire life $180   Now to future $90 without report $45)

We will look into your fate/destiny you were given at birth.  Marriage, divorce, illness, trouble and family problems and how to avoid trouble.



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Modern Astrology

Modern Astrology


We will decode your fate using the Western Astrology chart and prescribe the way to improve your luck.



Good/bad luck analysis explanation and appraisal example

Good/bad luck analysis

​Good/bad luck analysis

I Chin $90 (additional $50 for the second one) 

Quick affects, I Chin means quick and strong decision.  This is even better when combined with Chi Men Dun Jia and/or Feng Shui. Recommended  method for job, business, relationship, love and illness.



​Good/bad luck analysis
Qi Men Dun Jia explanation and appraisal example

Qi Men Dun Jia

​Good/bad luck analysis

We use original Chinese books and the Taiwanese Dun Jia records to analyze your current and future situations.  Recommended for business, investment, relationship, love, illness, solving crimes, and moving to a new location.  Even better if combined with I Chin.

(additional $50 for the second one)



Picking the good days explanation

Picking the good days

The good days & time for you

We will find the good day and time for your agreement, moving and marriage.



The good days & time for you
JP_​Good/bad luck analysis
Nailing the wall explanation

Nailing the wall

The good days & time for you

We will put a nail on your wall at the best time on the best day to quickly improve your luck.



Cleansing your land explanation

Cleansing your land


We will cleanse your land before building and analyze the Geo-pathic Stress.  50% off on Feng Shui after building on your land.



JP_The good days & time for you
Balancing Chakra explanation

Balancing Chakra


We will check your 7 Chakras and balance your weak Chakra(s)






You can see your past and future in trance.



Good Luck Course
Premium Course

Premium Course

Good Luck Course

Detailed self-analysis to improve your luck

Your luck/fate decided at birth

  • Four Pillars of Destiny (0-100 years old)

  • Curve graph of your life

  • Modern astrology (Your personality and how to improve your luck)

Feng Shui

Detailed analysis using three different Feng Shui methods.  We will decide when to place your Feng Shui goods for the best results.

For an additional $200, a Feng Shui master will visit your home (Geo-pathic stress analysis is included)



Regular Course

Regular Course

Good Luck Course

Self-analysis and your fate/fortune decided at birth

Four Pillars of Destiny (now and future)

Flying Star Method, report included

For an additional $200 a Feng Shui master will visit your home (Geo-pathic stress analysis is included)




© Copyright(c) 2021 DRAGON GOD. All Rights Reserved.

Quick Course

Quick Course

Good Luck Course

Improve your luck focusing on certain items

Four Pillars of Destiny (now), report not included

Flying Start Method, report not included

For additional $200 a Feng Shui master will visit your home (Geo-pathic stress analysis is included)



First Consultation

First Consultation


First-time client Free for the first hour.

Let us know if you are interested, but you don’t know where to start.  Contact us


Free/1st hour

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